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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
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Drug stores superdrug stores plc
Yet another scam caller
cameron furnace co ltd glasgow
PPI . everyday same time very annoying
nuisance call
Brithis Gas
Lloyds Bank, Automated call saying a new Payee request was created from an unrecognised device. Please cancel this request via email address
garages - repair and modification roberts country vehicles tonbridge
no body there
Antique dealers havard & havard - Cowbridge
Pipework Contractors Dewco Environmental Ltd Dunmow
Severn Trent water asking how good was their service. Not with Severn Trent water. Never phoned them. Scam and use several different numbers with different mobile networks.
three mobile sales call
geoffrey aj butcher chertsey marketing industry
desert island traders - gift shops Huddersfield