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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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Bank fraud attempt
Didn’t answer and they didn’t leave a voicemail, but if it’s a land line I have a feeling it’s problem just a call centre spam.
govuk energy scam
Safe number
It's Verkada, a security company.
i received a call from this number and it was an automated voice saying that my card had been used fraudulently!!
Fraud AMAZON Automated call SPAM SCAM SCAM Fraud Fraud Fraud
Can I know who called please
Did not answer. No message left
Silent call
SPAM - they reached my son in whatsapp and trying to do non-sense.
SPAM The usual 'this is not a sales call' shite about some fictional government scheme to fit the double glazing/UPVC windows they want to sell me. Live in a listed house. Neither is allowed. Worse it wasn't even a chuffing human.
Claiming to be a hmrc government worker
07489253013 - Silent call - No one did not say a thing, and they just hung up. If this is from O2, the sim card is not from O2.
Don't know who it is, but when I answered, I got the silent treatment. Probably someone who lost their nerve and couldn't go on with whatever scam they're upto.
Claim to be from o2 call centre then they initiate a password reset on your account without you knowing They then try and get you to read out the one time security code