Please add your review about this phone number.
Write a long comment about your experience with phone number 01544260055. You can also use the buttons to describe calls. The last button clicked changes the rating. Here's what they mean:
- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
After rating, don't forget to share your experience by clicking the SHARE social buttons!
call me about my credit which i never signd and said no so they was sory and end the call
Another unknown number - declined
Called me at 06:39 on Saturday 17 December 2022, which was annoying. No-one on the other end. May just have been accidental or may have been something else.
Please, add a comment for this phone number, who called from number 746245893 yaw
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SCAM they will remove my national insurance number and speak to an officer now
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D and G recovery. Helpful and polite, called responding to a breakdown and ensured I knew what was happening with my recovery.
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