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Write a long comment about your experience with phone number 01983852951. You can also use the buttons to describe calls. The last button clicked changes the rating. Here's what they mean:
- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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Call claimed to be from Visa reporting spending on a Visa card. Suspected fraud.
Pretended to be from Currys PC World, she asked me something about my sim card and phone, when I questioned her she hung up, it was a very suspicious call.
Silent call
They said it was a bank alert
Call centre refused to give name of company, used a name that lived in the house.
Belongs to Sky probably the call you received its from a spoofed number httpswwwunknownphonecomphone08007613362
Nice to see the Irish H232 gateway owners promoting scammers on their gear. You'd think they'd shut these Indians down. But hey as long as they make money on it eh?
nd, certainly not threee times, eh its not even possible to steal an identity, to vote ? 1:33 pm - Jul 29, 2023 on CriminalTrump Kuokoa LiED and ewe bought it ???? How stupid can you be?⁹ 1:33 pm - Jul 29, 2023 on CriminalTrump Kuokoa LiED and ewe bought it ???? How stupid can you be?⁹ 1:33 pm - Jul 29, 2023 on CriminalTrump Kuokoa LiED and ewe bought it ???? How stupid can you be?⁹ 1:33 pm - Jul 29, 2023 on CriminalTrump Kuokoa LiED and ewe bought it ???? How stupid can you be?⁹ 1:33 pm - Jul 29,
Says it's DHL and to press buttons for different options Probably a scam
Utilities SCAM
Possibly fraudulent, warning that money will go out of bank account.
Researcher. Rings at tea time, or whenever you re busy just living. Doesn t answer if you ring back. You ll hear a deceptively friendly Australian male recorded m...
Claiming to be Chinese Embassy in London, suspected scam