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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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This person claimed to work for Currys pc world. Trying to get me to sign up for a new mobile contract. He knew my number but not my name. When I called him out, he was very abusive then hung up ..... Invalid number when I rang back.
Friendly number
Safe number SCAM Fraud SPAM SCAM
HSBC mortgage department. Not a scam or fraudulent in any way. The fraud department confirmed this for me.
Be very careful answering this caller. Part of amazon scam
SPAM said Carphone warehouse - NOT CARPHONE WAREHOUSE just another scam by foreign nationals.
SPAM recons they are from some housing scheme for social housing repairs like mould and such, i deal direct with my HA for that stuff.
Kelly from. Lloyds bank apparently. She’s a scammer. Action fraud aware. Lloyds bank don’t know her or her number which they’re using. AVOID
Bot saying I have pending issues with hrmc but from Australia to GB
SPAM John called, said "I understand you still have a driveway?" My reply "I'm sorry but how did you get this number?" He didn't tell me, so I said I subscribe to TPS for no cold callers. He apologised & hung up. Very amiable, & I was polite too :) Only use my landline for emergencies so any call to it arouses my suspicions!
Bank scam
Hung up as soon as answered. Blocked the number.
SCAM, claim to be calling from The Financial Conduct Authority regarding a frozen Bit Coin account in my name, when told I did not have BIT coin, insisted that i do!!
This is a company called Insure & Go - totally legit.
Silent call