Your opinion about telephone number 3456031754 (345 603 1754)
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Text Message from Yodel who attempted to deliver a package today. To reschedule visit HTTPS:// I haven’t made a visit fearing it’s a scam because I haven’t ordered anything recently Has to be a Scam
Recorded message regarding high value bank transactions. Fraudulent call.
SPAM - flagged by mobile as likely spam call. Caller introduced themselves as Vodafone, who I do not have a contract with and never have, so either a phishing attempt or if genuinely from Vodafone then unwanted marketing spam.
phone was put down when answered, very annoying.
Could be OT in council not sure.
Fraud !!!!!!!!
No one spoke when I answered !!
had a text to say mum phone damaged call this number - think scam not called it all my kids ok
SCAM Messaged through WhatsApp pretending to be a son/daughter “ hi Mum” Claims has lost phone with all files and cannot pay an urgent bill asks you to send money to bank details they send to you
Private number
Keeps calling with a scam - recorded message offering some money based scam.
Random miss call
I tried to call this number back to see who it was and the number didn't exist
Silent call
The number rang me but when answered did not respond at all and went quiet , suspicious.
Said they were calling from my bank about 2 new withdrawels
Text Message SPAM, sent text saying "I know it's been a while but wanted to check you're ok", do not have any history with this number.