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Write a long comment about your experience with phone number 07741764172. You can also use the buttons to describe calls. The last button clicked changes the rating. Here's what they mean:
- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
After rating, don't forget to share your experience by clicking the SHARE social buttons!
Who called?
This number is a Debt collection Agency for the government or DWP Department for work and pensions,
From Pension Helpline Told me my pension was invested in a hotel in south africa and to watch the panorama program. He laughed and then hung up.
Never speaks. Calls multiple times a day.
Just scammers!
The overall rating for phone number 02082352355 is Dangerous
this man has phoned me twice, and both times he has asked me if I own pigeons because he has found one with my number on it s ring, but this was a few weeks apart so as I don t own pigeons there is something strange going on he claims to be from Liverpool.
asking me about washing machines
airlink limited glasgow lanarkshire
block them