Title: Facebook Messenger Voice - Video Call Security Improved
description: Facebook is a place where we spend a lot of time. We found out that the company is constantly adding new security features to improve user privacy. Facebook also has a dedicated messaging tool called Messenger that allows you to stay in touch with family and friends.
Interest in Messenger grew significantly as the raging coronavirus pandemic hit the globe. It was then that most of my contacts moved to the internet.
It is worth adding that Facebook Messenger also has the ability to make audio and video calls, but the missing end-to-end encryption did not provide it with the same security as WhatsApp.
Some time ago, Facebook released end-to-end encryption for Messenger that secures not only text messages but voice and video calls as well. This is a good solution because many people want to keep their internet privacy and security safe. Thanks to end-to-end encryption, only the sender and receiver will have access to the audio and video calls.
Is Messenger the only one? Facebook's Messenger isn't the only platform that offers end-to-end encryption. WhatsApp offers this layer of security right from the start, which is why its popularity has grown in the last few years.
Do you know Telegram?
Telegram is another platform that offers end-to-end encryption on its platform, making it safe for personal and professional calls. Facebook also plans to introduce this improved security service to the group chat option. The company is currently testing this option for Messenger's group chat, and is expected to go live when it is error-free. We will probably see some changes in this regard in the coming months. We can only wait for changes. They will certainly be very positive.
keywords: Facebook Messenger Voice, changes, improvements, privacy, security, Facebook