Title: Google Maps has been updated
description: Updated Google Maps with toll rates will be available on both Android and iPhone.
This great news will surely please many fans of mobile devices.
What's in the new update?
The new Google Maps update with toll prices will give people an estimate of how much their trip will cost if they take a specific route. Google Maps implemented several factors to get an approximate value for the user. What are the changes?
The changes include the toll costs, payment methods, day of the week and so on.
It is worth adding that Google Maps will also provide alternative options for reaching a specific destination. This is a handy feature when we go astray. It should be noted that not all standard navigation offers such features. As of now, Google Maps presents multiple route options (if available), giving users a choice.
How do I update and use Google Maps with toll prices?
Step 1: Open Google Play or App Store on your phone> search for Google Maps
Step 2: Click the update button. You can also choose to have automatic updates which will keep you with the latest updates as they are released
Step 3: After updating Google Maps, enter the details of the destination in the search bar
Step 4: If your route passes a toll, you will be able to see the "toll" and its price on Maps
Step 5: If you want to choose an alternative route, click the 3-dot button and select "Avoid Tolls"
keywords: Google Maps, news, changes, amenities