Title: Are you an Android owner? It's worth knowing these tricks.
Description:Unknown Android tricks and tips may be useful for us in everyday life. For example, the fact that you can measure your pulse with the LED camera flash, or that you can use Linux on Android. See what other tricks and tips Android phones have in them.
Did you know that your phone can measure your heart rate even if it doesn't have a special heart rate monitor? Yes, that's right maybe. Just use the LED light from the camera and the free app downloaded from the Google store. We simply open the app, put our finger to the diode and start the measurement. The finger should be quite firmly pressed down and kept still.
Every day you get dozens or hundreds of notifications about calls or messages. Sometimes there are so many of them that you accidentally delete something very important and then there is a problem. You can write to a friend: send me a message again because I accidentally deleted it, but writing such a message to an important or even key client would be quite a tactic on our part. Fortunately, you can quickly see what it was. You hold your finger on an empty spot on the screen, enter widgets, find the settings icon (classic cog), hold your finger on it and drop it on the desktop. Now, in the menu that opens, you select Notification Log and that's it.
You have constant access to the archive of notifications. This option makes life much easier and saves us a lot of stress. Sometimes we copy a text and forget to send it. What to do when the time is chasing and we do not know where to look for the text? While typing on the standard Android keyboard (Gboard), touch the left arrow on the bar above the keyboard, then touch the three dots and enter the Clipboard. Here we find the copied or cut text. This can be useful, for example, to find a copied web address or the content of a long message that we do not want to rewrite.
So let's remember the clipboard and everything is clear.
keywords: tricks, tips, android, phone, news