Title: Netflix introduces the Kids Mystery Box feature
description: Netflix is used by a large number of people and the group of users is constantly growing. We've found out that Netflix has launched a new Kids Mystery Box feature.
What does this modern feature provide?
The modern feature provides a fun and safe space where children can find out about their next favorite series or movies. The Kids Mystery Box feature allows users to discover movies and shows suitable for their age. This feature can be easily accessed through the children's profiles in a few simple steps. Below we present a short instruction on how to do it.
Step 1: Log in to the child's profile.
Step 2: Find "Favorite Poems" for kids at the top of the home page of the app.
Step 3: Go to the shiny "Mystery Box" to find a new title.
It turns out that this is not the end of the news. Netflix is adding more badges for shows and movies that have SHD and AD on both iOS and the web, making it easier to spot this type of content.
keywords: Netflix, changes, improvements, news