Title: Realme, Samsung, Poco, Asus delay the launch of smartphones
description: All major smartphone companies delayed the rollout of their devices due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brands such as Xiaomi, Vivo, Samsung, Micromax, Poco and Transsion planned to release new devices in May this year.
The companies planned many premieres. Everything, however, was delayed. What can you expect at a later date? In some time, modern phones adapted to 5G support can be expected. What are the advantages of 5G in a phone? Having 5G in your phone, you can enjoy a stable internet connection as well as very fast data transfer. Websites and web portals will open in no time. Xiaomi, Vivo and Samsung also planned to surprise their customers with great devices.
The phones were supposed to be huge and efficient batteries, great processors, good components and great configurations of the main camera. However, users still have to wait a long time for all of this. However, we can count on the fact that maybe soon modern phones will be available in online and stationary stores.
keywords: Realme, Samsung, Poco, Asus, delay, new, premiere