Title: What Makes Bitcoin Mining So Popular?
description: The coronavirus pandemic has made more people interested in mining bitcoin. Bitcoin has already conquered the world of digital currencies some time ago.
Digital currency has come a long way since it was created in 2008, when first buyers saw it as a way to bypass capitalist institutions.
Bitcoin still needs to verify all transactions that take place between traders to avoid fraud and pass this responsibility on to "miners" who work as auditors by updating a ledger called blockchain. What are the so-called miners doing? To do this, miners try to guess a random number, one of which is released approximately every 10 minutes. This process involves the processing of complex mathematical equations that require high computational efficiency. An interesting fact is that one Bitcoin transaction leaves a carbon footprint of 360 kg. To put this into perspective, the Visa deal leaves a carbon footprint of 500 mg.
Bitcoin mining consumes more than 121 TWh per year, which would make it the 30th largest energy consumer in the world if it were a country.
keywords: bitcoin, currency, digital currency, cryptocurrency