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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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Lunch time and 1am about car being tracked
SCAM Claimed to be from bt/openreach. He said my router was giving error messages and I wasn't getting the correct speed. I told him he was talking rubbish, the call was a scam and hung up
Friendly number dogs trust, person not automated call.
Suspected scam. I had a call from 07932918018 this morning. A recorded message said I had unusual transactions on my bank account. I was than put through to an "operative" who asked for my name and date of birth. I hung up at this point and will check with my bank.
Romance scammer
Auto message, reporting to be Amazon about a spend of £79.99 and to enter 1. Very suspicious as not used amazon lately and nothing on account so I would say avoid.
Silent call
Positive number
Silent call
This number is saying i have missed a contact lenses delivery from firstcontactsforyou delivered through Amazon, I don’t wear contact lenses and I haven’t ordered anything through Amazon, be careful with this number
Please check for me
nie wiem,nie odebrałam
Silent call
SCAM Automated call claiming to be HMRC taking legal action against you