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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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PPI Blocked it
"Hello Samantha, I m ....... and can see here you ve had a car accident in October." 1. No accident 2. I don t drive 3. How the hell do you know my name?! 4. Wouldn t let me say I am on TPS and then got rude and hung up when they finally did listen.
Did not answer
Safe number
central heating c a goodwin ltd horsham
The administration of the website invites you to post comments about this phone number.
unisex hairdressers sally's canterbury
private clinics the skin clinic hove
said had taken over my prescription services and said I could have some sleepezz, I've never had them before! I hung up I'm guessing I would have had to hand over my card details
architects a mcinnes gardner & partners
architects mason gillibrand architects lancaster lancashire
Private number
had a text saying to call them pretending to be lloyds bank i am not even with them, its a scam!!!!
the sow & pigs pubs bars and inns west bromwich b70 0ps
Tried to sell me an investment opportunity
pubs, bars and inns the signpost sheffield
v a i industries ltd poole 7420
builders spectrum building services ltd (London)
nuisance call