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Write a long comment about your experience with phone number 01709560044. You can also use the buttons to describe calls. The last button clicked changes the rating. Here's what they mean:
- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
After rating, don't forget to share your experience by clicking the SHARE social buttons!
TAXES / HMRC - Calling to cancel my NI, don't pick up
Positive number
Forex Trader requesting to speak with accounts department regarding our foreign exchange.
Fake number so definitely a scammer. NEVER call unknown numbers back. If you do so, you may be calling a Premium Rate or International number which will incur a large charge ...
Missed call - When called back went direct to voicemail
Second call in two days - usual internet being cut off
ecomplete uk ltd. coleford gloucestershire
Pattinsons?s estTe agents. Legitimate caller
SCAM / SPAM Some sort of India-based scam regarding free repellent boilers. Yeah, right.
Oak furnitureland. Previous calls Tunbridge Wells from Red Cross asking for money to be left in my will to them! Currently living in London.
Milton Keynes
SCAM immigrant internet provider
john lattin harrogate west yorkshire