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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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Safe number - Solar pannels
It's "a call from your internet provider" cutting off your service SCAM.
it is a scammer claiming to be from BT. I checked with BT to make sure and have reported it to them.
Carphone Wearhouse apparently... unsolicited call!
Fraud: Phone number linked to random PayPal money requests for £980. Do not call.
SCAM Southern english scammers currently calling themselves "fixed income team" also reached by calling 08003213781 (provided again to these crooks by Vodafone!). One of them has been pretending to be Evan Hanna of Merrill Lynch selling fake Diageo bonds.
SCAM bank card scam
Call received 14.30 on 17/4/2023. Recorded message purporting to come from a bank fraud prevention team (no bank named) alleging that two suspicious requests had been received for payments from "your account" (no account details given). No evidence of unexpected activity in my accounts. SPAM.
This is a scam call. Kindly beware
SCAM HMRC scam. Recorded message advising fraudulent submissions within tax return asking you to press a button to be put through to tax advisor
Scam company they say that they are a fonehouse but they arent
SCAM message pretending to be family member and then later asking for money as their bank Acc was not working and could I send some money to cover and they would pay back later in the week.
Missed call
Possibly scam as they were selling white goods insurance!!!
this is a lovely watch shop , they sell Rolex etc , I bought my watch there