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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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pubs bars and inns george iv (London)
herbal innovations rhosgoch
10Constantly calling me on a daily basis sometimes more than once day and when I ask who they are they hang up. It is becoming very annoying.
marton music burnley retail trade, except of motor vehicles
clubs and associations the flyfishers club (London)
charities and voluntary organisations child advocacy international stoke-on-trent
builders keown construction ltd fareham hampshire
larking gowen bungay k business services
jewellers b bohdan oldham lancashire
allen watson ltd horsham test drilling and boring
Rings 2 times a day
Silent call
consulting engineers viridian bioprocessing ltd whitstable
doctors general practitioners taylor c - Pontypridd
A women asking if I was involved in the car accident, I said that s not right then she hung up
Had 20 calls, cuts off when answers. Just received again, they spoke this time stating that they were receiving calls from me (lie) and were going to report me.... are you having a laugh!!!!
mechanical engineers arthur love
nuisance call
stormider sports aberystwyth ceredigion
nuisance call