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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
After rating, don't forget to share your experience by clicking the SHARE social buttons!
bakers the village bakery littleborough lancashire
annoys me all the time
places of worship peckham rye lane chapel (London)
A Mr. James Stephenson (Liverpool accent) representing a company called Claims Advice Helpline (CAH) who obviously buy details from Insurance companies and tries to cash in on peoples accidents - parasite!
Bearings J & M Belts Grays
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Answered and then they put the phone down
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Estate agents workman & partners
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Im Getting abt. 8-10 calls a week from across the globe and Its so annoying that it doesnt Seem to have an end ????
87 Had same message as above. Tried to ring the number before coming on here but line was dead (5.30 pm),
stonemasons angel marble ltd (London)
financial consultants workers bank representative office (London)
SCAM Received a call today (Indain as usual) about my Sky broadband being slow and this was a free check. Apparently my router has had many problems and is telling their server that my speed is slow!!!! Wanted to know my download/upload speeds and ping! I am not with Sky He was very slow and retarded When he said it was "completely free as I am a good customer who pays his bills every month" - I asked how much do I pay, he replied give me one moment and them 3 seconds later hung
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