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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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Offering loan products with 24-48 hours decision time, at the end of the call tried to sell life insurance and asked about PPI.They only taking your details, nothing serious, so just hang up...
Building restoration and refurbishment imperial interiors ltd - Cardiff
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SCAM Got a call at 11:05 stating it was BT & my router was running slow
richard wheatley ltd walsall retail trade, except of motor vehicles
logos ministries religious organisations belfast ulster
the office of law reform belfast other business activities
they hang up when you answer
This is over the 10th time this number has tried to call me within a week. Keep ignoring the calls and will be blocking the number of it tries to call again.
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Scam regarding national insurance
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The caller advised me that £900 had been spent with my Visa card and if I had no knowledge of nThe purchase to press 1. nPut phone down.
epdata (british epilepsy) - charities and voluntary organisations Leeds
This is a market research company called GSKNOP. I had daily hang up calls from them then eventually spoke to a human who wanted to do a 20 min financial questionnaire but gave me the Market Research Society phone number so I said if they didn t take my name/number off their data base that I d report them to the MRS. I haven t heard from them since.
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