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Write a long comment about your experience with phone number 08454290197. You can also use the buttons to describe calls. The last button clicked changes the rating. Here's what they mean:
- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
After rating, don't forget to share your experience by clicking the SHARE social buttons!
Safe number
Automated call - silent
Delivery scam
helena dawson leicester leicestershire
Claimed to be from quotWindows Service Centrequot wanting to help with computernetwork He said his name was Ven Sen and that he could be reached on 18001021100 which is indeed Microsoft Support though not from UK
Missed call
Staples pension marketing
mtools agricultural services carlisle
dion mccarthy ferndown dorset
Ringing me because I've been in an accident lol, crap as normal
I had a missed call from this number and because my husband was working in the area of the code, I called it back, normally I wouldn't bother. The person who answered the p...
this number rang me this morning 07560261821 about tax fruad scammers
Scam text message claiming to be dpd