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Saffron walden weather

Saffron walden weather
What is the average temperature in Saffron Walden?

On average, Saffron Walden experiences an annual temperature of 12°C (53.6°F), with average daily highs reaching 16.5°C (61.7°F) during summer and lows of 4.2°C (39.6°F) during winter.

Explore the Weather in Saffron Walden: Thermometrical Variance, Barometric Pressure and Other Meteorological Phenomenon | Climate Conditions & Temperature

Saffron Walden Weather: An Analysis

Saffron Walden in Essex is a beautiful little market town and a popular tourist destination. Blessed with a rich and varied climate, Saffron Walden offers a variety of weather experiences throughout the year. From vibrant blooms in the spring to crystal clear skies in the summer, from crisp autumn days to light snowfalls in winter – all seasons offer something to enjoy.

Springtime in Saffron Walden

The start of spring brings milder temperatures and some rain, often accompanied by bright blue skies and warm sunshine. Nature comes alive with vibrant colours as flowers and plants burst into bloom. Average temperatures range from 4°C to 16°C, although temperatures can drop significantly overnight. It's also important to remember that April showers are common during this time of year.

Summer in Saffron Walden

As the days grow longer and temperatures rise, summer in Saffron Walden is characterised by long days of sunshine and clear skies. Average temperatures range from 15°C to 24°C, with occasional days reaching 30°C or more. Despite the warmth, there is often a cool breeze coming off the nearby North Sea, providing a refreshing break from the heat.

Autumn in Saffron Walden

In autumn, the cooler temperatures of September soon give way to wetter weather as the season progresses. Temperatures range from 8°C to 17°C, although overnight temperatures can drop significantly lower. This season is well-known for its beautiful sunsets and picturesque foliage, while some days may be ideal for outdoor activities such as walking or cycling.

Winter in Saffron Walden

Although winter temperatures in Saffron Walden are usually relatively mild compared to other parts of the UK, they can still get quite cold. Average temperatures range from 1°C to 8°C, while snowfall is not uncommon at this time of year. Some of the most stunning days in Saffron Walden occur during winter – when a light dusting of snow blankets the town.

Enjoy Whatever The Weather In Saffron Walden

From colourful springtime blooms to crisp winter days – whatever season you choose to visit Saffron Walden, you're sure to be delighted by its unique climate. So wrap up warm and enjoy whatever the climate throws your way and have a pleasant time whatever the weather.

Be Ready for Anything

It is wise to keep an eye on the forecast of Saffron Walden weather in order to be prepared and stay safe. The temperamental British weather can be unpredictable at times, with sudden showers, sharp winds and hailstones. It is best to have layers to hand, such as a waterproof coat and umbrella, in case of a downpour, as well as appropriate clothing for the season, such as warm sweaters and scarves in winter.

Be Aware of Dangers

Heavy rain can lead to flooding, especially if there has been a long spell of dry weather. Other dangers to watch out for include high winds which can cause fallen trees and debris, thunderstorms and lightning. If the forecast is particularly bad, it is important to stay indoors and away from windows and doors if necessary.

When the Weather Takes a Turn for the Worse

Saffron Walden weather can be particularly nasty during the winter months. During this time, it is important to be aware of the risk of ice and snow, as roads can become icy and slippery. It is always wise to take extra care when driving, walking or cycling in such conditions. If you must venture out in extreme weather, make sure you have appropriate clothing and footwear for protection against the elements.

Enjoy the Sunshine

When the Saffron Walden weather is good, it is wonderful to get outside and make the most of it. On sunny days, why not take a walk around the town or relax in one of the local parks? The nearby Audley End House and Gardens are also a beautiful place to spend an afternoon, with plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy.Ultimately, it pays to keep up-to-date with the Saffron Walden weather forecasts. With a little knowledge and preparation, you can make sure you are ready for whatever the British climate throws your way and have a pleasant time whatever the weather.

Preparing for Saffron Walden Weather

When the weather in Saffron Walden is unpredictable, it is important to be prepared. Whether you are visiting the area or are a resident, there are several steps you can take to ensure you are not caught out.

Check the Forecast

It is always best to keep an eye on the forecast when visiting or living in the area. This way, you can plan ahead and bring the right clothes and equipment for the weather. The Met Office provides accurate and up-to-date information about the weather in Saffron Walden.

Dress Appropriately

The weather in Saffron Walden can change quickly so it is important to dress appropriately. Layering clothing can be particularly useful as this allows you to adapt to sudden changes in temperature. Make sure you wear comfortable, waterproof shoes and a jacket that will keep you warm and dry.

Carry an Umbrella

An umbrella can be invaluable if the weather takes a turn for the worse when you are out and about. It is wise to carry one with you wherever you go, just in case!

Be Aware of any Warnings

Severe weather warnings may be issued by the Met Office when certain weather conditions are expected in Saffron Walden. It is important to stay informed and take appropriate action if necessary. Local news sources and social media are often useful in these cases.

Look Out For Local Hazards

When the weather is bad, it is important to watch out for any local hazards. These can include fallen trees, flash flooding or even landslides. Taking care when out and about can help to keep you safe during bad weather.

Stay Safe

When the weather is bad in Saffron Walden, it is important to take extra care. This means keeping an eye on the forecast, dressing appropriately, carrying an umbrella, being aware of any warnings and looking out for local hazards. Following these steps can help ensure that you remain safe and prepared when the weather takes a turn for the worse.

Welcome to Saffron Walden Weather

Saffron Walden is a beautiful town located in the East of England, in the county of Essex. It is known for its amazing scenery, its historical architecture, and its unique culture. It is also known for its unpredictable weather! The weather in Saffron Walden is extremely varied, with days of sunshine followed by days of rain, and with temperatures ranging from freezing cold to hot and humid.

The Summer Months

In the summer months, Saffron Walden enjoys long days of sunshine and clear skies. The temperature usually reaches the low to mid-twenties, making it a great time to enjoy the outdoors. During this time, the town enjoys many days without rain, and the occasional thunderstorm provides a welcome relief from the hot temperatures.

The Autumn and Winter

During the autumn and winter months, the weather in Saffron Walden is more unpredictable. The temperature can drop as low as freezing, although this is usually accompanied by clear skies and plenty of sunshine. Rain is much more common during these months, and the occasional snowfall is not unheard of.

The Spring

The spring months in Saffron Walden are a little more mild than the other seasons. The temperature usually sits around the low to mid-teens, although occasionally it can reach the high twenties. It can be quite wet during this time of year, but the occasional sunny day is also to be expected.

Things to Do in Saffron Walden During Any Season

No matter what the weather, there is always something to do in Saffron Walden! There are plenty of historic buildings to explore, including Saffron Walden Castle and Audley End House. There are also numerous parks and gardens where you can take a leisurely stroll or relax in the sunshine. If you're looking for a bit of nightlife, then the nearby city of Cambridge has plenty of bars and restaurants to choose from.

Who Called Me UK and Checking Phone Numbers

If you live in Saffron Walden or the surrounding area and you receive an unknown call from a phone number that you don't recognize, then can help. We offer a free phone number checking service that allows you to check phone numbers against our database of scam and spam numbers. So if you ever receive an unfamiliar call from an unfamiliar number, make sure you check it with us first!


Saffron walden weather


Saffron Walden, Weather, Clime, Climate Conditions, Meteorological Phenomenon, Thermometrical Variance, Barometric Pressure, Temperature

Description: Discover the meteorological phenomenon in Saffron Walden with real-time climate conditions and thermometrical variance. Check out the barometric pressure, temperature, and more for weather forecasting. Get the best up-to-date information on Saffron Walden

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Review for phone number: SCAM SCAM This number texted me pretending to be Lloyds Bank, saying a direct debit had been set up for 39.99 GBP if it wasn't me respond N. I called Lloyds and was told it was not them. I gave the number to the fraud dept




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Review for phone number: The call from this number has me literally up in arms.The person says if I call their number back that they are going to cause a real problem for me.Alhamduillah! Allah is my Shaheed.




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Review for phone number: Said i had called him, I didnt, knew my name. Sounded like a salesman... I hung up




Review for phone number: Automated call, silence. Getting a lot of calls from 0151 453xxxx. Liverpool.




Review for phone number: SCAM - Robotic voice stating from HMRC




Review for phone number: SCAM Scammers!!! The caller stated that they were from O2, and the call was regarding the SIM card I’m currently using. I have never had a contract with O2, and I’ve been with my current supplier for years. I hung up and they continued to call me until




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Review for phone number: Safeumber 7983870751




Review for phone number: 01482 293843 called me several times. I called back and got an automated message saying welcome to Vodafone all of our operators are busy right now please hold blah blah blah... I hung up. My broadband contract has just ended with Vodafone and I already r




Review for phone number: This number tried to get me to sign up to a free lost insulation inspection. I have been on the telephone preferance list for many ears but they obviously do not check.




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Review for phone number: Telemarketing of Energy adviser in my area! I told him not to waste his time, and rang off. Avoid. It will be blocked. East Midlands




Review for phone number: Fraud