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- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
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Hangs up. disguised as local number.
state this is regarding your NI is being used by someone that might not be you. Block this number and report it to the HMRC
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Something about a new heating system if on benefits!
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Had a missed call so rang back - got a "Your call is important to us" message so it's probably sales of some kind.
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I just received the same phone text to my home phone and was told my internet would be terminated today and to press button one to speak to them, I also had this text two days ago and I did press button 1 to tell them that I am not a BT customer. i spoke to an Asian sounding lady who was very abrupt and mumbling something about the router and when I said I could not understand what she was saying she put the phone down. Obviously a scam.
Not sure if it's a safe #or not. But this contract was in my husband phone. it's just like -> nobody is getting over on Mee ... dont dare think that. It's all about. -> ->-> TimNorton . <- <- <-
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