Your opinion about telephone number 1691610332 (169 161 0332)
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Silent call and hang up
Calling Rex
Phoned me today about 18.15, said they were from Wandsworth Council (not my Council, the Council next to me) asked my age, told them 67 and they asked if they could phone back l...
It is Peggyb again !! That number has rung me a further 3 times this morning since my earlier comment !! I've turned my,landline off !
Engage to write off debts (pre recorded message) if over ?10,000 - only pay 10%. Press 5 to contact, and 9 if not interested. No further calls, so far. Definitely not interested.
the ethical card company bromley kent
Rang about the critical errors coming from my computer. Told them they were scamming and they rang off.
Had this Number ring me today on my new mobile, and I didn t answer as was busy on my landline phone.... OK -this is a new mobile with a NEW number & Not registered with any banks yet, plus I m don t have a HSBC bank account or cards??? So how can there be Fraud on a card I don t Have!...then they sent me a TXT message..... Take care people!!..I m not returning the call...
call to my mobile by unknown no. I don't answer no's not known to me. Does anyone know who this no. belongs to
I too have received a text saying same thing, but I owe nothing utter scam, beware
chris brown manchester manchester
who is this num
This number rings at least once a day and its a nuisance waking me at 8:30 or earlier as I try to convalesce after a hip replacement.This is obviously a known number provided by some telecomms outfit. Is it really beyond the wit of man to shut it down ?. As for the TPS don t make me laugh !!!
new anarkali surrey
This is a nigerian number pretending to be ebay or paypal helpine- they are scammers. DO NOT CALL THIS NUMBER. AND IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM THEM DONT SHIP YOUR GOODS TO THEM IN NIGERIA. they will not pay you. It s a fake email.