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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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Private number
What a pile of rubbish company. Don t answer or waste your time speaking to these cowboys.
SCAM - reckons its the national crime agency in UK - Pure nonsense.
Silent call
scam, scam, scam, rude
Call came Wed 6 March 16.14 as "urgent" text message from son??daughter??? asking to call 'my temporary number as own phone being repaired'
jack atherton london greater london
National accident helpline
SCAM Amazon Acount supposed purchase confirmation
called and hang up on answer.
Indian accent call center
Rang at 07.50 this morning unknown No so let machine take the call hung up no message left SCAMERS