Who called me from phone number 029 2225 0326 Cardiff
Who called me from 2922250326
Reviews for phone number 2922250326
Phone number 2922250326 it's a landline number from Cardiff 029 area code. This phone number has been searched 180 times. The first search was on 2023-03-19 22:57:30 and the last on 2025-02-08 06:03:48. We have 46 reviews for this phone number (See reviews below). The rating of this phone number on a scale of 1 to 10 is 3 ( very poor opinion ).
2922250326 Trust level : 30%
30 %
Searched: 180
First search: 2023-03-19
Directional: +4429
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Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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Read and add reviews
We have 46 reviews for phone number 2922250326 (forty six opinions)
"Answered a call from this number and was told automatically that this call was not important and that they would ring back. Blocked the number."
"Cardiff based company didn t leave a message assume it s ppi or that accident I supposedly had in my imaginary car! wish there was a way to stop them or sue the companies that sell on our phone numbers. "
Cardiff based company didn t leave a message assume it s ppi or that accident I supposedly had in my imaginary car! wish there was a way to stop them or sue the companies that sell on our phone numbers.
"Called my mobile,ichecked them out they are a bunch of scammers using various ploys and numbers,have nothing to do with them block them,
they use robot caller as well,and move it from location to location
never give your name or any details to anyone,some may even have your name and,they use the old con trick i am here to help you, utter scum"
Called my mobile,ichecked them out they are a bunch of scammers using various ploys and numbers,have nothing to do with them block them,
they use robot caller as well,and move it from location to location
never give your name or any details to anyone,some may even have your name and,they use the old con trick i am here to help you, utter scum
"PPI - do they really think that people do not know about PPI? Where did they get my name and number? Added to the reject list"
bunch of scammers, block them they called 5 times today all calls blocked bunch of fraud merchants
never stop trying to get me idiots
"Bunch of idiots and scammers, said I had an accident in my car two years ago, don t even have a driving licence or a car, was quite rude. AVOID, have informed trading standards"
Bunch of idiots and scammers, said I had an accident in my car two years ago, don t even have a driving licence or a car, was quite rude. AVOID, have informed trading standards
"I kept getting a call and was ignoring it, but answered today. They asked me a few details, they already had most of details - they are sending me a claim form. I am worried what they ca do with the information on me? date of birth, address etc?"
I kept getting a call and was ignoring it, but answered today. They asked me a few details, they already had most of details - they are sending me a claim form. I am worried what they ca do with the information on me? date of birth, address etc?
"Called me twice in two days. Asked to speak to me by name. Implied I was lucky to get the call from them. Said that I was due money from mis sold insurance etc etc. I am surprised that they had my name and mobile number. I can only imagine that they got it from a web site owner that has sold its customer account details or been hacked. I have blocked the number."
Called me twice in two days. Asked to speak to me by name. Implied I was lucky to get the call from them. Said that I was due money from mis sold insurance etc etc. I am surprised that they had my name and mobile number. I can only imagine that they got it from a web site owner that has sold its customer account details or been hacked. I have blocked the number.
"PPI - asked for my address to send out a pack. I said i wasnt entitled to PPI and he went through the credit card/loans etc to which i kept saying no. After that he said not a problem, i asked him why he kept ringing and he got a little agressive asking why im speaking to him over the phone like that and then he hung up "
PPI - asked for my address to send out a pack. I said i wasnt entitled to PPI and he went through the credit card/loans etc to which i kept saying no. After that he said not a problem, i asked him why he kept ringing and he got a little agressive asking why im speaking to him over the phone like that and then he hung up
"She said records show I'd been in an accident & could claim compensation. I asked where my accident took place. She then asked me if I'd had an accident & wher..."
She said records show I'd been in an accident & could claim compensation. I asked where my accident took place. She then asked me if I'd had an accident & wher...
Your opinion about telephone number 2922250326 (292 225 0326)
Tel Serach: Who called me from Cardiff ( 02922250326) Stay safe through our website with opinions about mobile and landline numbers. Check and add your own opinions about the unknown number you are currently browsing Share with others your experience who called from this phone number. This is very necessary for other users who will check this phone number in the future. Maybe you will someday check this phone number again so our site will serve as a storage space or a base for your opinions and opinions of other users in one place. If you don't know who called you from this unknown phone number, first check this number in our number database. It may be a positive number, but it may turn out that this number is a negative number that causes fees or that Phishing personal data. Phones plans. Perhaps this is the number of an advertising agency or marketing company that wants to offer you unwanted services. Maybe this is a call center that I am trying to reach you in connection with a case in an office or bank or other company. Invite others to use this site to add feedback about unknown phone numbers.
Possible number records of 02922250326 02922-250-326
2922 250 326
29 22 25 032 6
292 22 50 32 6
29-22-25-032 6
0044 2922-250-326
00 44 292 22 50 326
29 22 25 032 6
(29) 2225 032 6
00 44 (29)2 22-50-32-6
+442922250326 In words... 292 225 0326
two nine two two two five zero three two
twenty nine twenty two twenty five three twenty six
Uber taxi driver that apparently moonlights as a food delivery driver too. Doesn't confirm the taxi job but says you don't turn up, costing you some of the fare. Just Google the number to see how much of a prat he is! Crybaby!
Utilita energy
Didn't answer the call. On dialling 1571 (since I had the answerphone tone) learned it was a pre recorded ppi claim message
livestock and others george w grifiths - Llandrindod Wells
SCAM / SPAM Pretended to be from sky. When I told him he was a fraud he swore and threatened to sexually abuse me.
Bogus caller
textile manufacturing - madeup trefriw woollen mills ltd - Trefriw
local government north lincolnshire council scunthorpe
n strickland ltd pershore retail sector
escreet electrical melton mowbray construction
scales and measuring test instrument services southampton hampshire
Utilita energy
Uber taxi driver that apparently moonlights as a food delivery driver too. Doesn't confirm the taxi job but says you don't turn up, costing you some of the fare. Just Google the number to see how much of a prat he is! Crybaby!
solicitors simon rose (London)
the maudsley hospital london n health and social work
christ's hospital independent and preparatory schools horsham rh13 0yp
staycold exports chester
travel agents personal service travel bexhill-on-sea