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- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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These people call at least twice every day and have done for months. I have reported them to the ombudsman but nothing seems to stop them. I thought this kind of calling was illeagal now and companies are fined thousands?????
thorp perrow arboretum bedale museum activities and preservation of historical s
intech associates design engineers leatherhead kt23 3ln
self catering martin & janet james - Llandudno
local authority schools yarrow primary school
I left my details a while ago for them to contact me so when they called i had actually forgotten. The gentleman was very friendly and professional and able to answer any further questions i had about the system they have to offer.
miss bellaboo& 39s bites tadley hampshire
life team pain in the *
sports clubs blackwood cricket club - Blackwood
local government south lanarkshire council
kinnego centre local authority schools dungannon county tyrone
St Leonards On Sea
alpha trading ltd pulborough activities of membership organisations nec
doctors general practitioners ss chatterjee altrincham cheshire
john morley ltd congleton cheshire
marine system ltd sawbridgeworth other supporting water transport activities