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Write a long comment about your experience with phone number 07873031735. You can also use the buttons to describe calls. The last button clicked changes the rating. Here's what they mean:
- Positive - all good, friendly, or safe.
- Neutral - neither good nor bad, just alright.
- Annoying - like unwanted or automated calls.
- Dangerous - dodgy stuff, like scams or spam.
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kathirvel consultancy gloucester gloucestershire
Accident claims
william wainwright london middlesex
Very rude person on the phone markeing treats and generaly being very abusive Will be reporting to trading standards
Positive number
Silent call
combined chemial services uk ltd warrington cheshire
they call trying to get you to sign up to a debt management contract whilst is good if you need it but only if are in England and Wales as the legislation they are using to help you only applies to England and Wales. As I am in Scotland they are different rules that apply and this company can t really help ppl out in Scotland. Fed up with them calling and wish they would stop it - now if see the number I ignore it and leave it for my answer machine to answer which it does BUT they dont even leave a messag
SCAM trying to sell a phone
This company phoned on a goole number but when I asked the man on the phone where he was based he said Liverpool. So I then asked why he was calling on a local number for him to put the phone down.
Forwarded to local mansfield call centre claiming to be from flight UK offering compo for delayed flights etc
Can't get through
fusion systems ltd st peter port guernsey
harry's snacks ltd poole